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Terms Of Reference (TOR) Vocational Skills Training Programme For 100 Youth & Adolescents in Gardo District

1.0. Background

Horn Vision (HV) being a Non-Governmental, Nonprofit making, Voluntary, humanitarian relief and development organization founded in 2005 is dedicated to serving those underserved and marginalized groups. The organization was founded by local Somali professionals with diverse humanitarian background and developmental expertise. The idea behind the establishment of HV came when the founder came across a community in a small village in Bari region, could not send their children to school due to lack of schooling facilities. Notably, the founding member mobilized resources from the community and members in Diaspora for school establishment to promote self-help and reliance. This necessitated forming an organization which strives for self help, self-reliance; self – motivation and rights – based programming.

On the other hand, the inadequate institutional capacity and the dire need of expertise for the local NGOs has been a big challenge all over Somalia in general, and Puntland in particular; there appeared vacuum generated by the absence of an effective public institution and capacitated LNGOs. Potential human resources have drained by large to abroad. The few available are either in the business sector or with international aid agencies. Limited effective Local NGOs resulted in limited local partnership with international aid agencies, limited access of aid to most needy communities, lack of proper advocacy and inappropriate requirement projections for the community problems and interventions without impacts. Bearing this in mind, Horn Vision (HV) was instituted to make a difference in delivering quality services to the communities and as well as to make positive impacts on their attitudes and behaviors towards improvements of their lives and development.

Horn Vision (HV) has a firm background and experience in the field of social development and humanitarian relief and since its establishment has been engaged in supporting community initiatives in Somalia. Horn Vision (HV) programs mainly focuses on building resilient communities in the face of increasingly extreme climatic events by acquiring capacity prepare for and cope with and recover from different types of shocks.

1.2. Mission Statement

Resilience building, humanitarian emergency relief, protection of human rights, equitable access to basic social services, WASH, and food and livelihoods security by and capacitating local institutions and communities to effectively and efficiently mobilize, utilize and manage their resources in sustainable manner.

1.3. Vision Statement

To achieve empowered and resilient Horn of African communities that enjoy in an advanced wellbeing with peace, harmony, dignity and fairness through sustainable development that enables an adequate access for all to meet their fundamental needs.

1.4. Objectives

  1. Promote Human Rights, access to justice and protection of children, women and vulnerable groups including IDPs, Returnees, Refugees and Minorities.
  2. Empower women and youth to actively participate in political and social leadership and policy making processes.
  3. Improve living conditions, reduce poverty, building resilience and capacity for state and communities especially poor rural, pastoralists, youth at risk and IDPs by helping them through income generation, employment creation and livelihoods promotion.
  4. Promote environmental protection and sustainable resource management.
  5. Empower local communities to participate social and development activities as well as to acquire capacity to cope with the natural calamities.
  6. Promote equitable access to primary education, especially for poor, disadvantaged and communities in crisis.
  7. Advancing education by improving education facilities, teaching/learning materials, and support to vulnerable school children.
  8. Improve access to safe and affordable water through increase and improvement of water infrastructures and promotion of sanitation and hygiene with special focus on rural communities.
  9. Strengthen local mechanisms and capacity for resource management, conflict mitigation and peace building.

1.5. Background of the Project

UPSHIFT is a Youth empowerment program that Horn Vision has been handling since late 2019. The project was intended to provide multi-dimensional support to the youth and adolescents in Puntland, in order for them not to illegally migrate from their homeland as well as commit improper actions and join violent groups. UPSHIFT was designed into two main components:

  • Provision of livelihood and entrepreneurship support to the youth.
  • Contribution to the ongoing diversion interventions with vocational education and skill training to the children and juveniles.

Through those components, the project has so far reached to 200 hundred youth & adolescents directly and 3,250 indirectly since the start of Dec 2019. 100 youth ( 43F 57M) have benefited from UPSHIFT as 15 groups in phase 1, of which Horn Vision has provided entrepreneurship trainings and startup business capitals for their innovative ideas those were a response for social problem. The project also continued mentoring and technical follow up to existing 15 trained youth groups for implementation of the funded youth business projects in Garowe. In addition to that, the 2021 amended project moreover continued the provision of the UPSHIFT startups to new 40 youth (24 F 16M) in Garowe, and also contributed to existing community-based diversion interventions, through delivery of vocational skills for 60 children (31F 29M) and youth in conflict with law and those involving including those associated with armed forces and groups (CAAFAG). Linked to ongoing MOJ efforts for implementation of comprehensive diversion and in Coordination with PSA, Horn Vision will provide vocational education and skill training from the UPSHIFT Diversion program for 100 youth with minimum 40% female in Gardo. On the other hand will provide entrepreneurship and livelihood support to 100 Youth with minimum 40% female in Garowe and Bosaso.

The vocational skills will focus on real skills development to address pressing social and environmental problems and increase the employability of young people, achieves successful vocations for those involved as well as strong relationships, effective team working skills and key workplace skills that are not acquired by many young people in the absence of an effective secondary schooling system in Somalia. Horn Vision will collaborate with Technical Vocational Schools for facilitation of educational component of diverted children and youth.

2.0. Expected Project Outputs

Output 1

100 youth (at least 50% girls), including young girls at risk of CAAFAG, victims GBV survivors, girls from vulnerabl IDPs and minority communities, provided with social innovation, entrepreneurship and life skills training to develop innovative and self – employing ideas, products and services which benefits the wider community.

Output 2

100 boys and girls (at least 40% girls) in 15 self – help groups provided with grants and entrepreneurship mentorship run and manage sustainable and innovative businesses.

Output 3

30 Increased awareness and promotion of social innovation entrepreneurship through networking with othe entrepreneurs and the private sector by sharing and showcasing their innovative ideas, products and services.

3.0. Objective of the Assignment

HV’s Enhancing Livelihoods Thorough Social Innovations and Entrepreneurship (UPSHIFT) intends to target 100 beneficiaries (40% female) between the ages (15-18 years) for a duration of seven (6) months with the provision of marketable vocational training skills training to enhance their technical know-how in a variety of potential livelihood sectors.
The overall objective of the assignment is to engage a vocational training school/center/firm to provide vocational training skills for 100 children and youth in conflict with law including those associated with armed forces and groups (CAAFAG) in Gardo district for a period of 6 months in a diverse livelihood sectors courses including: ICT skills, Electrical skills, Plumbing, Salon and make-up skills, Mechanical skills and Tailoring skills.

4.0. Scope of Work

Horn Vision wishes to engage a vocational training school well versed with the facilitation of a variety of livelihood sector course. The vocational training school/consultancy firm will develop a tailor-made vocational training curriculum in ICT skills, Electrical skills, Plumbing, Salon and make-up skills, Mechanical skills and Tailoring skills course. Upon the approval of the provided vocational training skills training syllabus, the school/firm will come up with a training courses time-table to be taught to the 100 youth trainees for a period of 6 months .
The school/consultancy firm will closely work with the Horn Vision UPSHIFT Project Team, the UNICEF Protection Team for technical aspects and guidance and will report to HV UPSHIFT Project Coordinator on monthly basis.
The final selection of the training topics will be agreed between the service provider and Horn Vision in line with the review of the proposals. HV retains the right to select all 6 or less training topics, depending on the selected technical proposal, itemized budget and technical specifications received. Moreover, HV will select one Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) school/institution/firm for the implementation of the project depending on the conformity of the proposals received with the preset selection criteria.
The training courses will take place at the service provider’s training centers in Gardo. The selection of venues for the training will be done in consultation with the HV UPSHIFT management team. The selected firm is required to have their qualified trainers available to deliver the vocational training classes.
In addition, the following conditions should be observed:

  1. Tailor-mad training course curriculum and training manual to be developed in coordination with HV staff. The final curriculum and training materials will have to be approved by by HV program manager before the commencement of the training.
  2. Each training should include both theoretical and practical exercises, tailored to preparing the beneficiaries for the application of the learning to their job.
  3. Careful record of attendance should be kept and verified by HV.
  4. The institute and the trainer shall allow HV to:-
    • Visit the training facility, monitor the progress, and make recommendations to align the objectives of the training with training sessions.
    • Bring in private sector employers during the training, to promote linkages with prospective employers and strengthen the trainees’ relation with the labor market.
Horn Vision management and staff will identify the trainees, enroll them in the selected center, and monitor the training courses on regular basis. Courses will last for approximately 6 months and are assumed to be scheduled for five days a week and five hours per day according to the content and quality of the curriculum.
The training provider will have to award a completion certificate upon the completion of the training courses.
The training provider will have to submit brief monthly narrative reports to HV on the progress of the classes, including attendance, successes, challenges, mitigating measures and photos of the training. Gender segregated classes will have to be offered. The presence of female trainers is highly encouraged.

5.0. Deliverables of the Assignment

The following deliverables/outputs are expected of the school/consultancy firm:

  • Detailed work-plan for the assignment including methodology, courses time-table
  • Vocational Training Skills Curriculum for all the 6 training courses.
  • A Training Manual for each vocational training course
  • A monthly progress report detailing the monthly training activities, trainees’ attendance, any challenges that impede the smooth implementation of training and recommendations for the way-forward.

6.0. Eligibility

Participation in this call for proposal is open to any vocational training provider firm/institutions possessing the legal status be engaged and contracted, whose service is directly aligned with the objectives of the required training services with a proven solid professional experience and reputable track record of impeccable training services. The consulting firm/institutions should possess high quality accreditation training manuals which meets the demands of local labor market.

7.0. Duration of Assignment

This assignment will take 6 months of TVET skills training facilitation to 100 trainees in Gardo.

8.0. Qualifications

To qualify for this assignment, the TVET school/firm must meet the following mandatory :

  • A detailed organizational/firm profile
  • Possesses valid legal registration/license issued by a competent authority in Puntland
  • At least 5 years of progressive hands-on experience in TVET and skills development training
  • Has trainers/tutors with an impeccable experience and applicable multi-disciplinary university degrees in variety of areas

9.0. Selection criteria

  1. Number of active years of experience in the TVET sector (25%).
  2. The qualifications and experience of the trainers/tutors (15%).
  3. The facilities, machinery, tools and equipment available for the utilization of the vocational training (10%).
  4. The Technical Proposal - methodology, approach, syllabus, training materials and manuals- (25%).
  5. The Financial Proposal - value for money, cost effectiveness and itemized budget- (20%).
  6. Valid license registration (5%).

10.0. How to apply

Horn Vision invites interested TVET Schools/consultancy firms that meet the qualifications and requirements to submit in English the following:

  • A technical proposal, outlining the methodologies and detailed work plan for the assignment
  • A financial proposal giving a detailed budget Summary
  • A curriculum for each of the required six (6) TVET courses
  • At least 3 proven contracts of previous work related to this assignment in education

Proposals should be submitted on or before the 20th of February 2023 02:00 PM electronically to horn.vision.org@gmail.com or info@hornvision.com or hand delivered to the Horn Vision HQ Office in Garowe in a sealed envelope.


Download TOR - HV 2023.doc

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